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Scientific Publications

Dark Matter Results From 54-Ton-Day Exposure of PandaX-II Experiment

Physical Review Letters, Vol.119, 181302(2017)

We report a new search for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) using the combined low background data sets acquired in 2016 and 2017 from the PandaX-II experiment in China. The latest data set contains a new exposure of 77.1 live days, with the background reduced to a level of $0.8×10^{-3} evt/kg/day$, improved by a factor of 2.5 in comparison to the previous run in 2016. No excess events are found above the expected background. With a total exposure of $5.4×10^{4}kg day$, the most stringent upper limit on the spin-independent WIMP-nucleon cross section is set for a WIMP with mass larger than $100 GeV/c^{2}$, with the lowest 90% C.L. exclusion at $8.6×10^{-47}cm^{2}$ at $40 GeV/c^{2}$.


First dark matter search results from the PandaX-I experiment

Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, Vol.57, 2024(2017)

We report on the first dark-matter (DM) search results from PandaX-I, a low threshold dual-phase xenon experiment operating at the China JinPing Underground Laboratory. In the 37-kg liquid xenon target with 17.4 live-days of exposure, no DM particle candidate event was found. This result sets a stringent limit for low-mass DM particles and disfavors the interpretation of previously-reported positive experimental results. The minimum upper limit, $3.7 × 10^{-44}cm^{2}$, for the spin-independent isoscalar DM-particle-nucleon scattering cross section is obtained at a DM-particle mass of $49GeV/c^{2}$ at 90% confidence level.


Current status of direct dark matter detection experiments

Nature Physics, Vol.13, 212–216(2017)

Much like ordinary matter, dark matter might consist of elementary particles, and weakly interacting massive particles are one of the prime suspects. During the past decade, the sensitivity of experiments trying to directly detect them has improved by three to four orders of magnitude, but solid evidence for their existence is yet to come. We overview the recent progress in direct dark matter detection experiments and discuss future directions.

DOI:DOI: 10.1038/NPHYS4039

Spin-Dependent Weakly-Interacting-Massive-Particle–Nucleon Cross Section Limits from First Data of PandaX-II Experiment

Physical Review Letters, Vol.118, 071301(2017)

New constraints are presented on the spin-dependent weakly-interacting-massive-particle-(WIMP-)nucleon interaction from the PandaX-II experiment, using a data set corresponding to a total exposure of $3.3×10^{4}kg day$. Assuming a standard axial-vector spin-dependent WIMP interaction with ${}^{129}Xe$ and ${}^{131}Xe$ nuclei, the most stringent upper limits on WIMP-neutron cross sections for WIMPs with masses above $10 GeV/c^{2}$ are set in all dark matter direct detection experiments. The minimum upper limit of $4.1×10^{-41}cm^{2}$ at 90% confidence level is obtained for a WIMP mass of $40 GeV/c^{2}$. This represents more than a factor of 2 improvement on the best available limits at this and higher masses. These improved cross-section limits provide more stringent constraints on the effective WIMP-proton and WIMP-neutron couplings.


Krypton and radon background in the PandaX-I dark matter experiment

Journal of Instrumentation, Vol.12, T02002(2017)

We discuss an in-situ evaluation of the ${}^{85}Kr$, ${}^{222}Rn$, and ${}^{220}Rn$ background in PandaX-I, a 120-kg liquid xenon dark matter direct detection experiment. Combining with a simulation, their contributions to the low energy electron-recoil background in the dark matter search region are obtained.


Dark matter search results from the commissioning run of PandaX-II

PHYSICAL REVIEW D, Vol.93, 122009(2016)

We present the results of a search for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) from the commissioning run of the PandaX-II experiment located at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory. A WIMP search data set with an exposure of $306 \times 19.1$ $kg·day$ was taken, while its dominant ${}^{85}Kr$ background was used as the electron recoil calibration. No WIMP candidates are identified, and a $90\%$ upper limit is set on the spin-independent elastic WIMP-nucleon cross section with a lowest excluded cross section of $2.97 \times 10^{−45}$ $cm^2$ at a WIMP mass of $44.7$ $GeV/c^2$.


Dark Matter Results from First 98.7 Days of Data from the PandaX-II Experiment

Physical Review Letters, Vol.117, 21303(2016)

We report the weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark matter search results using the first physics-run data of the PandaX-II 500 kg liquid xenon dual-phase time-projection chamber, operating at the China JinPing underground laboratory. No dark matter candidate is identified above background. In combination with the data set during the commissioning run, with a total exposure of $3.3×10^{4} kg day$, the most stringent limit to the spin-independent interaction between the ordinary and WIMP dark matter is set for a range of dark matter mass between $5$ and $1000 GeV/c^{2}$. The best upper limit on the scattering cross section is found $2.5×10^{-46}cm^{2}$ for the WIMP mass $40 GeV/c^{2}$ at 90% confidence level.


Low-mass dark matter search results from full exposure of the PandaX-I experiment

Physical Review D, Vol.92, 052004(2015)

We report the results of a weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark matter search using the full 80.1 live-day exposure of the first stage of the PandaX experiment (PandaX-I) located in the China Jin-Ping Underground Laboratory. The PandaX-I detector has been optimized for detecting low-mass WIMPs, achieving a photon detection efficiency of 9.6%. With a fiducial liquid xenon target mass of 54.0 kg, no significant excess events were found above the expected background. A profile likelihood ratio analysis confirms our earlier finding that the PandaX-I data disfavor all positive low-mass WIMP signals reported in the literature under standard assumptions. A stringent bound on a low-mass WIMP is set at a WIMP mass below $10  GeV/c^{2}$, demonstrating that liquid xenon detectors can be competitive for low-mass WIMP searches.
